We take the struggle out of weight loss
"Screw this! I'm tired of chasing diets & wasting my time! "

“I only have one life to live…
Screw You Diet Industry”
Sound like you?
We get how the diet industry consumes you & spits you out…
We get how “health care” is actually “sick care” and that’s frustrating.
We took 27 years of experience (each)
in this industry and slapped together some pretty
freakin’ awesome coaching programs.
Other amazing things we do…
*We get results
*We show our peeps how to keep those results
*Our programs have lifetime access to all program materials and support.
Wanna know how?
Take Control of Your Habits - Take Control of Your Health
You don’t need a diet!
You need discipline & self control.

If you're done chasing the next shiny thing... Read on.
Our Habit Stacking Formula was developed from 27 years of experience through Holistic Nutrition, Exercise Physiology, & Neuroscience.
Yup! Those were a lot of really big fancy words.
Let’s break it down.
*We help you break your existing habits and move you slowly towards making choices that support a healthier lifestyle.
*We help you turn down the volume of your inner critic that makes you feel bad about yourself.
and if you’re an emotional eater or self-proclaimed self-saboteur or procrastinator…
What do you say.
Are you ready to literally get out of your own damn way and join a supportive community of like-minded women who share your goals and aspirations.
With just a few hours a week, you’ll gain the knowledge, motivation & tools to reclaim your health and confidence back.
You KNOW you want to, so just push that fear out of the way and let’s get you moving.
Click below to explore what program is right for you!

Meet Your Coaches
Coach Lisa Balsdon - Holistic Nutritionist, TCM Acupuncturist

I am a dedicated Holistic Nutritionist specializing in helping women (and men) identify which bad habits keep them from losing weight permanently. When I competed in bodybuilding for many years, I later struggled with understanding what a holistic balance looked like for me after those years. I was left with body self-image issues around always wanting to be “buff” because that was “perfect” to me in my mind, and the effects of losing weight and gaining weight while competing on and off for several years took a toll on my mind and body.
I gained weight after my competitor years, causing hormonal imbalances and a very unhealthy mindset around habits. I felt like a stranger in my own body with no proper support. Experiencing the effects of this type of unhealthy diet led me to spend several years building and testing a habit-stacking system that includes key fundamentals for life and ones that I live by every day. This system is fully implemented into each coaching program I offer.
I hold a Diploma in Holistic Nutrition with Honors from the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Canada and a Diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture. In addition, I am a Certified Personal Trainer with CSEP and a Certified Yoga Teacher.
For the past 25+ years, I have been supporting women (and men) on their health journey in helping them reclaim control of their health, lifestyle, and fitness. I introduce these amazing women (and men) to the key fundamentals of life and show them how to take imperfect actions to reclaim themselves by implementing our 3 pillars of Mental Fitness, Movement Mastery and Intuitive Nutrition which help them gain control of their lives.
Coach Penny Hounsome - Holistic Mindset & Lifestyle Coach

I changed the course of my career to include Holistic Health & Lifestyle Coaching in Applied Behaviour Medicine with a specialty in Trauma-based coaching because the Health and Fitness industry has missed so much, and men and women are suffering for it.
Focusing on what we weigh instead of how we behave, keeps most people from moving forward and seeing success.
I started as a Personal trainer 27 years ago and counted every calorie thinking my self-worth was wrapped up in the size of my hips. I never once realized at the time that my childhood trauma was the root cause of all my decisions.
Living a life in total avoidance I spent over a decade racing Marathons and Triathlons and becoming a Coach.
But I was running away from my problems.
With a lifetime of abuse and trauma the emotional and mental challenges turned into debilitating physical ailments like asthma, IBS, inflammatory bowel, adrenal fatigue, and exhaustion.
When my body kept breaking down, I continued looking for answers that made sense.
Traditional eating and training just didn’t cut it. I knew I had to start tearing everything down to find out why I was physically & mentally suffering.
In 2013, I had my clinical diagnosis and did not want to spend a lifetime on medications I once again continued my search for answers that felt right to me.
I’ve thoroughly studied the gut/brain connection, How trauma gets stored in your body and how holistic Healing can lead you towards living a healthy and energetic life with a balance that helps keep you motivated and able to manage daily stressors.
The work I do with my clients helps them work through their trauma and find the peace on the other side, with a variety of techniques that range from positive reinforcement, static or moving meditation, building a value system, understanding acceptance and compassion for self, and learning how to release past hurts and negative criticism.
Diplomas in
Fitness Studies from Seneca College, &Holistic Health & Life Coaching
Second Level Practitioner in Clinical Applications of Behaviour Medicine from the NICABM
Trauma-based studies
Life Coach – Holistic Living
Mindset Coach – ACT- Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
Certifications in
Life & Lifestyle Coaching
Nutritional Consultant & Weightloss Coach
CSEP – L3 Personal Trainer Certified & NSCA – National Strength & Conditioning Coach
NCCP – Level 2 Marathon & Level 3 Triathlon Coach
Yoga Instructor; Ashtanga & Yin Yoga
Mindfulness Instructor
Wellness Retreat Facilitator
Audited courses from
Stanford University, Rhodes College, the University of California on: Stress on the body, Practicing Mindfulness, Secrets of Sleep Science, Mind-Body Medicine and more.
A healthy outside starts from the inside.