LuxLife Coaching Programs

“I would smack the alarm at least 4 times every morning…
too tired to move, feeling overwhelmed from my everlasting “To-Do” list that I kept ignoring. Feeling paralyzed trying to keep up only to give up again and order in Take-Out for dinner, again.
Ending my day sitting mindlessly in the dark on the couch after the kids go to bed eating a carton of Rocky Road with a cold glass of Chardonnay watching C.I.S. again feeling alone & miserable as the waistband of my track pants cut into my body.
I wanted to just cry, hating what I had become. I didn’t want to spend my life living this day on repeat and limping through my days in a fog, over caffeinated and shoving muffins in my face every afternoon.
I wanted to wake up with a bounce in my step, feel grateful for my family and energetic enough to tackle each day!
That’s when I reached out for help because after 10 years of doing the same thing over and over again I knew I couldn’t do it alone and I knew deep down I was worth more than this.”
It was the best decision I’ve ever made and I get up before the alarm goes off every day!

“I was at war with my body…
Hating how I looked in my clothes everyday & crash dieting before every vacation. Only to end up eating & drinking too much while trying not to think about what waited for me back home.
For years I jumped from diet to diet never sticking it out while I struggled with my job, kids and fighting with my spouse because I felt alone in my struggle.
It wasn’t until I realized I spent more time on the couch with my wine than I did with my family that I needed help. I needed support. Taking that first step was so hard but finally finding the support I needed, I started feeling like I deserved more. I started to like myself again and writing out my dreams that became goals.
Every week became a success and soon I needed bigger goals.
Now I wake up feeling alive, loved and energized to tackle everything the day has to offer.”
Are you ready to enjoy life to the fullest.
Next available start date in 2025:
JANUARY 15, 2025

This is B*ll Sh*t!
“After intermittent fasting for months I was still bloated and struggling to zip up my pants.
I’ve tried every diet out there!! The Cabbage soup diet, Keto, Atkins, The Zone and South Beach diet.
Nothing ever lasted for long! I would lose weight only for it to find its way back to my belly… plus more!
I was getting depressed, anxious and really frustrated finding myself in the same place every year.
I never realized I needed to just STOP Dieting!!
Once I learned how to recognize my self-sabotaging habits I was able to put the dieting world behind me and eat meals I loved.
No more cravings, No more bloating and best of all, I love wearing my favourite jeans every weekend.”

“I put in the work but I’m not seeing results, I’m so frustrated.
I kept trying different FREE programs but they were hard to follow and never exactly what I needed.
Every time something new came online I would raise my hand, thinking this time I would actually open the program. Mostly I just sat watching T.V. feeling lost.
I finally decided to invest in myself instead of Starbucks coffees and focus on my habits and lifestyle.
I spent years thinking I knew what to do, I never realized the difference following a plan would make!
Now, I show up for myself!
I love how toned my legs look and how I can carry my own Kayak because I’ve learned how to love myself, stop procrastinating and show up!
I never knew that some simple habit changes would give me so many results.”
Are you ready to see amazing results with simple habit changes!

“But I’m healthy and I know what to eat!
Or so I thought.
I kept blaming the bloating, constipation, cravings and low energy on my age and menopause. I thought it was normal because it was happening to all my friends, and I was eating my veggies so what else could it be.
I found myself starting another diet for our upcoming vacation but this time I just felt miserable and the weight didn’t shift. Watching my husband drop 10lbs within a week made me depressed and frustrated.
Why was it so easy for him. It wasn’t until I got advice and took the leap to follow a plan that was right for me, learning how to track my food, meal plan and preparing for the week saved me so much time.
Now, I like shopping and cooking because the meals are tasty, leaving me feeling full and satisfied.”
Find the right plan for you!

Join us inside our Women's Facebook group for daily tips. Weekly Coaching Videos & recipes. Guides full of workouts, tutorials and tons of free resources.

Check out our You-Tube channel for Nutrition and Mindset Coaching videos, Exercise videos: Boot Camp classes, How to do specific exercises, Yoga, Meditation, Cooking Classes

Break Free of your cravings in 7 days & Kick Your Sugar Habit GOOD-BYE with our...7-Day NO SUGAR Challenge!

Booking a FREE call with us is not a SALES Call!
You are not obligated to purchase ANYTHING.
This is simply a call to gather information to see what stage you are at in your health & wellness journey.
We don’t want you to enroll in our Unstuck 90 program if you need more support and guidance or you are accountable but want a more Personal Customized Plan, than maybe the 2:1 Personalized Coaching is a better fit for you.
If you’ve been struggling for more than 6 months and don’t know why you’re not seeing results…
Isn’t that worth a conversation?
Lisa & Penny